Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Grassington, A Charming Market Town in The Yorkshire Dales

 A Market Town in the Yorkshire Dales Revisited

While having a coffee meeting in our usual location, the Riverbank Café next to the River Wharfe at Burnsall in the Yorkshire Dales we had a last minute change of plan and decided to drive up the Dale to the market town of Grassington for a browse around the independent shops surrounding the market square. 

This suited me fine as it would allow me to take additional photographs for our image library. 

Grassington, A Charming Market Town in The Yorkshire Dales

Grassington Market Place

As I had not anticipated a photoshoot I used my iPhone 12PM camera which I have used on several previous occasions and have been more than impressed with the results especially with the addition of a SmallRig stabilizer kit. 

Absolutely love it, great practical combination. Especially like the wide lens and the resulting converging verticals. What do you think?

Grassington, A Charming Market Town in The Yorkshire Dales

Grassington Shops

The resulting photographs I have uploaded to ‘Grassington in the Yorkshire Dales’ album which can be found in our image library. 

Grassington, A Charming Market Town in The Yorkshire Dales

Grassington Folk Museum
You may recognise a few of the locations photographed as Grassington was used as the backdrop for the filming of the recent series of ‘All Creatures Great and Small’ and is known as the fictional village of Darrowby.

To view ‘Grassington in the Yorkshire Dales’ album please follow the link.

Peter W. Clark photographer

We do hope you will enjoy the photographs and perhaps find some which will inspire and enhance your article or publication.

Maybe perhaps help to locate your next film/video production.

(downloads and prints are available)

Monday, 22 November 2021

Ruggerpix – ‘A Challenging Afternoon’ for both teams and the photographer.


Ilkley vs Pocklington (North One East) k/o 2.15, 20th November 2021

 The venue: Stacks Field, Ilkley, Yorkshire.


I had made all my preliminary preparations for this assignment on the day before.

My camera – Canon 7D SLR with twin battery pack, all batteries fully charged, a formatted 16gb memory card plus one spare and my Sigma 70-200, F2.8 lens which I find to be most useful for this type of work, finally a Slik monopod to help keep the camera steady.

Checked all camera settings functioning and then laid all out ready to pack into my equipment backpack on the Saturday morning.

On the following morning the weather was dry but a little overcast and felt chilly so made sure I was well wrapped up then finally packed everything away.

We managed to arrive at Stacks Field comfortably well in advance of the 2.15pm k/o which gave me chance to have a walk around the pitch and  go through various camera checks.

I usually set the camera shutter speed to 1/1000sec. and the ISO to 400 these generally give good results but it soon became apparent that the overcast cloud rolling down from the Dales and the cool breeze were going to be a challenge to both camera and photographer.

Most of the afternoon was spent constantly adjusting camera settings knowing full well that decreasing the shutter speed could produce image blur and increasing the ISO would produce image noise (grain) but it had to be done to let adequate light into the camera to produce at best an acceptable result to capture the fast action.

More importantly I had to constantly adjust my scarf to produce a warm happy photographer.

The decreasing light levels made action photography quite a challenge and a lot of work was required in my image editing software Adobe Lightroom.

To view all photographs from the afternoons rugby please follow the link to my dedicated website Ruggerpix


 A full match report can be viewed at Ilkley RFC website.

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Linton in Craven, a Picturesque Village in The Yorkshire Dales.

Spent several days in and around the beautiful and very photogenic Yorkshire Dales village of Linton in Craven taking photographs for our image library and researching all the points of interest of which there are many. 

I must admit the Fountaine Inn ‘Fish and Chip Friday’ did help determine what days would be best for our photography. 
Fountaine Inn, Linton in Craven

The weather also helped a little as did the very dramatic scenery on the River Wharfe at Linton Falls and the Tin Bridge. 

Linton Falls, River Wharfe, Yorkshire Dales.

  Followed by the calming tranquillity of Linton Parish Church. 

Linton Parish Church, Yorkshire Dales

To view all our photographs of this beautiful area in the Yorkshire Dales - Linton in Craven, Linton Falls and Linton Parish Church please follow the link to our image library - 


We do hope you will enjoy the photographs and perhaps find some which will inspire and enhance your article, publication or perhaps find a location for your film/video production.
(downloads and prints are available)

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Brief Progress Report

In the last few months we have managed to get out and about in the Yorkshire Dales, some short one day visits and one 'Yorkshire Dales Road Trip' lasting several days, this has resulted in many interesting photographs which we are in the process of editing at the moment. 
Selected photographs will be added to our image library which can be found at our website.

To view all our  Photo Albums

please follow the link to our Image Library

Peter and Cecile Clark - photographers

We do hope you will enjoy the photographs and perhaps find some which will inspire and enhance your article or publication.

(downloads and prints are available)

They may also help find your next

film/video location.

In conjunction with this the rugby season is now in full swing and on many of our weekends we can be found pitchside, cameras in hand following and recording the action for our website.

Last weekend we attended Ilkley RFC vs Bradford and Bingley. 
All photographs are now edited and posted.
Hope to have more updates in the near future. Peter and Cecile