Showing posts with label bridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bridge. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 January 2022

'Dales Road Trip’ Ribblehead Viaduct, North Yorkshire, England.


Several months ago we mapped out our plans for the first of our Yorkshire Dales Road Trips. Stage one was to head up above Settle to the Ribblehead Viaduct.

The Ribblehead Viaduct carries the Settle–Carlisle railway over Batty Moss at Ribblehead, North Yorkshire.

This structure has been photographed by many notable photographers and I was determined to try a few standout shots which I hope you enjoy.

There are many words to describe Ribblehead viaduct, a few that come to mind are – imposing, dramatic, stunning, amazing, impressive, but when seen close up it really comes down to a short intake of breath and WOW!!!

Ribblehead Viaduct, North Yorkshire, England.

What a feat of planning and engineering! You cannot imagine the blood, sweat and tears that must have gone into its construction. There were many fatalities amongst the railway builders (navvies) through accidents and illness, so many in fact that the local graveyard had to be enlarged.

Ribblehead Viaduct, North Yorkshire, England.

We set out that morning in cloudy and overcast weather conditions but when we arrived at this monumental construction the clouds had cleared leaving me with ideal conditions for the aspects of photography I had in mind. On this Dales Road Trip I had left my Canon 7D SLR and an assortment of lenses (the heavy gear) at home and intended to use the camera in my Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max which I had been trialling for the last few months and had been particularly impressed with the performance of the wide angle lens, this generally produces converging verticals but I happen to like this effect and it does pack a lot of landscape in.

Ribblehead Viaduct, North Yorkshire, England.

What a photogenic structure, taking into account the weather, time of day and the many viewpoints available it is inevitable that we will make many return trips to photograph it in its full glory.

Ribblehead Viaduct, North Yorkshire, England.

To view all the photographs in our Album

'Ribblehead Viaduct, Yorkshire'

 please follow the link.

Peter W. Clark photographer

We do hope you will enjoy the photographs and perhaps find some which will inspire and enhance your article or publication.

(downloads and prints are available)

More location photographs of our

'Dales Road Trip'

to follow.

Sedbergh (In the Yorkshire Dales National Park)

Dent (In the Yorkshire Dales National Park)






and finally Buckden

Ribblehead Viaduct, North Yorkshire, England.

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Linton in Craven, a Picturesque Village in The Yorkshire Dales.

Spent several days in and around the beautiful and very photogenic Yorkshire Dales village of Linton in Craven taking photographs for our image library and researching all the points of interest of which there are many. 

I must admit the Fountaine Inn ‘Fish and Chip Friday’ did help determine what days would be best for our photography. 
Fountaine Inn, Linton in Craven

The weather also helped a little as did the very dramatic scenery on the River Wharfe at Linton Falls and the Tin Bridge. 

Linton Falls, River Wharfe, Yorkshire Dales.

  Followed by the calming tranquillity of Linton Parish Church. 

Linton Parish Church, Yorkshire Dales

To view all our photographs of this beautiful area in the Yorkshire Dales - Linton in Craven, Linton Falls and Linton Parish Church please follow the link to our image library - 


We do hope you will enjoy the photographs and perhaps find some which will inspire and enhance your article, publication or perhaps find a location for your film/video production.
(downloads and prints are available)

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Barden Bridge to The Pavillion, The Yorshire Dales ( bluebell quest )

Sunday was such a beautiful day we couldn't resist the temptation to go for a walk.
Decided on Barden Bridge to Bolton Abbey Pavillion and back. Good decision, the scenery was stunning.
On a walking day it usually takes us about two hours but I had taken my camera which was a good excuse to stop at all the viewpoints and snap away, this increased the walk by two hours, very leisurely.
Some examples of the photographs below.

Also available to view on our website are photographs of Bolton Abbey, by the River Wharfe, Yorkshire, including the Augustinian monastery ruins, the priory church, River Wharfe, Posforth Gill and countryside.

Barden Bridge

Barden Tower

Woods near The Strid

Woods near The Strid

Bluebell Scene in Woods near The Strid
Photo Equipment used - Canon 300D SLR with a Canon EF 28 - 135 IS lens

To view all the photographs in our Albums

 please follow the link.


Peter W. Clark photographer

We do hope you will enjoy the photographs and perhaps find some which will inspire and enhance your article or publication.

They may also help find your next

film/video location.

(downloads and prints are available)