Showing posts with label church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Linton in Craven, a Picturesque Village in The Yorkshire Dales.

Spent several days in and around the beautiful and very photogenic Yorkshire Dales village of Linton in Craven taking photographs for our image library and researching all the points of interest of which there are many. 

I must admit the Fountaine Inn ‘Fish and Chip Friday’ did help determine what days would be best for our photography. 
Fountaine Inn, Linton in Craven

The weather also helped a little as did the very dramatic scenery on the River Wharfe at Linton Falls and the Tin Bridge. 

Linton Falls, River Wharfe, Yorkshire Dales.

  Followed by the calming tranquillity of Linton Parish Church. 

Linton Parish Church, Yorkshire Dales

To view all our photographs of this beautiful area in the Yorkshire Dales - Linton in Craven, Linton Falls and Linton Parish Church please follow the link to our image library - 


We do hope you will enjoy the photographs and perhaps find some which will inspire and enhance your article, publication or perhaps find a location for your film/video production.
(downloads and prints are available)

Monday, 12 April 2010

Ilkley in Bloom

Most of the day has been spent sat at the computer, editing images and bringing websites up to date, so when Cecile came home and suggested we were in need of a few items from the supermarket I saw an opportunity to escape into the sunshine and suggested we walk to the little supermarket on our high street. 
As we would be carrying bags on our way back I put my small Canon point and shoot camera in my pocket, 
Lets make the most of the walk, I had previously seen all the blossom along The Grove that had erupted in the last few days and thought this was as good a chance as any to record it in the early evening sun.

The Grove, Ilkley

The Grove Ilkley

Betty's Cafe, Tea Rooms, The Grove, Ilkley

Christ Church, The Grove, Ilkley

Shadows on The Grove, Ilkley

Equipment - Canon Powershot A530

To view all our  Photo Albums

please follow the link to our Image Library

Peter W. Clark photographer

We do hope you will enjoy the photographs and perhaps find some which will inspire and enhance your article or publication.

(downloads and prints are available)

They may also help find your next

film/video location.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Sunrise Service, Easter 2010, Cow and Calf Rocks, Ilkley Moor

Cecile and I went to The Sunrise Service at the Cow and Calf Rocks at Ilkley on Easter Sunday. 
One of our photographs and an article were to be published in the local paper.

On Easter Sunday Ilkley was still fast asleep when several cars from different corners of the town passed through the empty streets. It was after 6.00 am and they were all going in the direction of the little car park below the Cow and Calf Rocks.
Not only cars were there but also on the moors were a few brave walkers heading in that direction. It was still dark when at 6.30am the car park was full and around seventy people representing many of the churches in Ilkley greeted each other heartily. 

Gathered on the slopes by the famous Yorkshire rocks and waving colourfull ribbons everybody joined in the singing of the hymns. As the prayers continued the sun was rising and the group were taking in the light and dawn of the new day.

Rev. Dick Watson leading the service

 For a brief moment betweeen one cloud and another, the warm golden rays of the rising sun covered everything and everybody.

Ilkley Moor, Cow and Calf Area
Rev Dick Watson
On this moment  ' Thine be the Glory ' sounded really joyful on this very special Sunrise Service. 

Rev. Dick Watson, the curator of All Saints church who was leading the service for the first time was as amazed as all the other participants with the wonderfull spectacle nature had shown us. 

As we were departing the sun was hidden again in the thick cloud but below in the Wharfe valley we could see the suns rays coming through illuminating the fields and woodland. 

Very significant, bringing hope and proving 'Every cloud has a silver lining'

Maria Cecylia Paslawska  4th April 2010